The EURAXESS Czech Republic network is part of the European Network of Services Centers (EURAXESS), which was officially launched on 30 June 2004 in Paris. This network involves 35 cooperating, mainly European countries representing more than 200 service centers.
Euraxess and TUL

The Technical University of Liberec is one of the 13 regional contact points of the EURAXESS Czech Republic network (Prague and Brno form service centers). The EURAXESS Czech Republic project is supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports within the program INTER-EXCELLENCE, sub-program INTER-INFORM.
EURAXESS provides free assistance to researchers and their families in the areas:
- visas
- accommodation
- legal questions
- social security, health care, pension, and tax entitlement
- support for family
- language courses
- social and cultural aspects, etc. / social and cultural events…
Euraxess Jobs
- search for vacancies/jobs/internships
- publishing job vacancies
- post your CV
TUL Contact

Ing. Viera Huličková
G building, 5th floor
tel.: 00420 485 353 497
email: viera.hulickova@tul.cz