Studium k rozšíření odborné kvalifikace zaměřené na výuku informatiky

Educational goals

It’s aim is to provide to qualified teachers new piece of knowledge and extend their special and didactic competence by that way in order that they could make their pedagogical work in high quality


Study programme
Studium k rozšíření odborné kvalifikace zaměřené na výuku informatiky (RIF)
Faculty of
Type of study
Lifelong learning
Form of study
Length of study

Courses of Studium k rozšíření odborné kvalifikace zaměřené na výuku informatiky programme

Courses without specified study plan

Admission procedure

A prerequisite for being accepted to further study programmes is successfully completed a Master’s Degree Programme. The rules for the admission procedure are laid down in a directive issued by the respective faculty in accordance with the Universities Act.

More details

Contact: Berki Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.,

Refer to STAG for complete information