Educational goals
Akademický bakalářský studijní program Informační technologie je zaměřen na přípravu absolventů, kteří se mohou uplatnit přímo v praxi jako programátoři, správci operačních, informačních a logistických systémů nebo počítačových sítí. Případně mohou pokračovat ve studiu některého z avazujících magisterských oborů, zejména oboru Informační technologie, který je také akreditován na Fakultě mechatroniky, informatiky a mezioborových studií, Technické univerzity v Liberci.
- Study programme
- Information Technology (B0613A140005)
- Faculty of
- FM
- Type of study
- Bachelor
- Form of study
- Full-time
- Length of study
- 3
- Awarded degree
- Bc.
- Language
- Czech
- Education area
- Informatics
- Aplikovaná informatika
- Informatika a logistika
- Inteligentní systémy
- Informační technologie
Courses of Aplikovaná informatika branch
1. semester
- Algorithms and Computer Programming 1 (compulsory)
- Computations a Simulations in Matlab (compulsory)
- Intr. to Lin. Algebra and Discr. Math. (compulsory)
- Introduction to Engineering (compulsory)
- Introduction to shell (compulsory)
- Mathematical seminar 1 (compulsory)
- Mathematics I (compulsory)
2. semester
- Algorithms and Computer Programming 2 (compulsory)
- Computer Networks (compulsory)
- Digital Engineering (compulsory)
- Elektronická dokumentace (compulsory)
- English for Special Purposes I (compulsory)
- Mathematical seminar 2 (compulsory)
- Mathematics 2 (compulsory)
- Sports and movement activities 1 (compulsory)
3. semester
- Algorithmization and data structures (compulsory)
- Database Systems (compulsory)
- Digital Computers (compulsory)
- English for Special Purposes I (compulsory)
- English for Special Purposes II (compulsory)
- Operating Systems (compulsory)
- Programming in C/C++ (compulsory)
- Signals and Information (compulsory)
4. semester
- Basic methods of design (compulsory)
- Big data databases (compulsory optional)
- Development of Software for Windows (compulsory optional)
- English for Special Purposes II (compulsory)
- Introduction to statistical analysis (compulsory)
- Programming language Python (compulsory)
- Project (compulsory optional)
- Semestral Project (compulsory optional)
- Software Engineering (compulsory)
- Theory of Graphs and Games (compulsory optional)
- WWW Pages Development (compulsory optional)
5. semester
- Bachelor Thesis (compulsory optional)
- Big data technologies (compulsory optional)
- Computer graphics 1 (compulsory optional)
- Computer Hardware and Interfaces (compulsory optional)
- Computer security (compulsory optional)
- Computer typography (compulsory optional)
- Multimedia technology (compulsory optional)
- Programmable Controllers (compulsory optional)
- Programmable Devices (compulsory optional)
- Real Time Systems (compulsory optional)
- Unix and Internet (compulsory optional)
- Web Applications (compulsory optional)
6. semester
- Application of Computer Models (compulsory optional)
- Bachelor Thesis (compulsory optional)
- Bachelor Thesis Seminary (compulsory)
- Cloud computing (compulsory optional)
- Computer graphics 2 (compulsory optional)
- Embedded Systems (compulsory optional)
- Introduction to Digital Image Processing (compulsory optional)
- Introduction to Economics and Management (compulsory optional)
- Simulation of Discrete Event Systems (compulsory optional)
- Technical writing (compulsory optional)
- Wireless technologies and networks (compulsory optional)
Courses without specified study plan
- Expert Discourse (compulsory optional)
Courses of Informatika a logistika branch
1. semester
- Algorithms and Computer Programming 1 (compulsory)
- Computations a Simulations in Matlab (compulsory)
- Intr. to Lin. Algebra and Discr. Math. (compulsory)
- Introduction to Engineering (compulsory)
- Introduction to shell (compulsory)
- Mathematical seminar 1 (compulsory)
- Mathematics I (compulsory)
2. semester
- Algorithms and Computer Programming 2 (compulsory)
- Computer Networks (compulsory)
- Digital Engineering (compulsory)
- Elektronická dokumentace (compulsory)
- English for Special Purposes I (compulsory)
- Mathematical seminar 2 (compulsory)
- Mathematics 2 (compulsory)
- Sports and movement activities 1 (compulsory)
3. semester
- Database Systems (compulsory)
- Dependability and maintenance (compulsory)
- English for Special Purposes I (compulsory)
- English for Special Purposes II (compulsory)
- Introduction to Economics (compulsory)
- Maintenance and spare parts management (compulsory)
- Operating Systems (compulsory)
- Quality management (compulsory)
- Signals and Information (compulsory)
4. semester
- Big data databases (compulsory optional)
- English for Special Purposes II (compulsory)
- Introduction to statistical analysis (compulsory)
- Logistics (compulsory)
- Measurement of non-electrical quantities (compulsory)
- Project (compulsory optional)
- Semestral Project (compulsory optional)
- Theory of Graphs and Games (compulsory optional)
- Theory of Systems for Engineers (compulsory)
- WWW Pages Development (compulsory)
5. semester
- Advanced Methods of Management System (compulsory optional)
- Bachelor Thesis (compulsory optional)
- Big data technologies (compulsory optional)
- Company Economics and Management (compulsory)
- Computer security (compulsory)
- Int. Trade and Customs Operations (compulsory)
- Mathematical Methods in Logistisc (compulsory)
- Safety and risk management (compulsory)
- Unix and Internet (compulsory optional)
6. semester
- Bachelor Thesis (compulsory optional)
- Bachelor Thesis Seminary (compulsory)
- Cloud computing (compulsory optional)
- Modern Programming Techniques (compulsory optional)
- Office software applications (compulsory)
- Operational Research (compulsory)
- Risk Economy in Engineering (compulsory optional)
- Simulation of Discrete Event Systems (compulsory optional)
- Technical writing (compulsory optional)
- Theory of Systems for Engineers II. (compulsory optional)
Courses without specified study plan
- Expert Discourse (compulsory optional)
Courses of Inteligentní systémy branch
1. semester
- Algorithms and Computer Programming 1 (compulsory)
- Computations a Simulations in Matlab (compulsory)
- Intr. to Lin. Algebra and Discr. Math. (compulsory)
- Introduction to Engineering (compulsory)
- Introduction to shell (compulsory)
- Mathematical seminar 1 (compulsory)
- Mathematics I (compulsory)
2. semester
- Algorithms and Computer Programming 2 (compulsory)
- Computer Networks (compulsory)
- Digital Engineering (compulsory)
- Elektronická dokumentace (compulsory)
- English for Special Purposes I (compulsory)
- Mathematical seminar 2 (compulsory)
- Mathematics 2 (compulsory)
- Sports and movement activities 1 (compulsory)
3. semester
- Algorithmization and data structures (compulsory)
- Database Systems (compulsory)
- Digital Computers (compulsory)
- English for Special Purposes I (compulsory)
- English for Special Purposes II (compulsory)
- Operating Systems (compulsory)
- Programming in C/C++ (compulsory)
- Signals and Information (compulsory)
4. semester
- Big data databases (compulsory)
- Decision Making and Classification (compulsory)
- English for Special Purposes II (compulsory)
- Introduction to statistical analysis (compulsory)
- Programming language Python (compulsory)
- Project (compulsory optional)
- Semestral Project (compulsory optional)
- Software Engineering (compulsory)
- Theory of Graphs and Games (compulsory)
5. semester
- Applications of Neural Networks (compulsory)
- Bachelor Thesis (compulsory optional)
- Big data technologies (compulsory)
- Data mining methods (compulsory)
- Multimedia technology (compulsory)
- Signals and Data Modeling (compulsory)
6. semester
- Application of Computer Models (compulsory optional)
- Bachelor Thesis (compulsory optional)
- Bachelor Thesis Seminary (compulsory)
- Cloud computing (compulsory optional)
- Computer graphics 2 (compulsory optional)
- Embedded Systems (compulsory optional)
- Introduction to Digital Image Processing (compulsory)
- Introduction to Economics and Management (compulsory optional)
- Simulation of Discrete Event Systems (compulsory optional)
- Technical writing (compulsory optional)
- Wireless technologies and networks (compulsory optional)
Courses without specified study plan
- Expert Discourse (compulsory optional)
Courses of Informační technologie branch
1. semester
- Algorithms and Computer Programming 1 (compulsory)
- Computations a Simulations in Matlab (compulsory)
- Intr. to Lin. Algebra and Discr. Math. (compulsory)
- Introduction to Engineering (compulsory)
- Introduction to shell (compulsory)
- Mathematical seminar 1 (compulsory)
- Mathematics I (compulsory)
2. semester
- Algorithms and Computer Programming 2 (compulsory)
- Computer Networks (compulsory)
- Digital Engineering (compulsory)
- Elektronická dokumentace (compulsory)
- English for Special Purposes I (compulsory)
- Mathematical seminar 2 (compulsory)
- Mathematics 2 (compulsory)
- Sports and movement activities 1 (compulsory)
3. semester
- Algorithmization and data structures (compulsory)
- Database Systems (compulsory)
- Dependability and maintenance (compulsory)
- Digital Computers (compulsory)
- English for Special Purposes I (compulsory)
- English for Special Purposes II (compulsory)
- Introduction to Economics (compulsory)
- Maintenance and spare parts management (compulsory)
- Operating Systems (compulsory)
- Programming in C/C++ (compulsory)
- Quality management (compulsory)
- Signals and Information (compulsory)
4. semester
- Basic methods of design (compulsory)
- Big data databases (compulsory)
- Decision Making and Classification (compulsory)
- Development of Software for Windows (compulsory optional)
- English for Special Purposes II (compulsory)
- Introduction to statistical analysis (compulsory)
- Logistics (compulsory)
- Measurement of non-electrical quantities (compulsory)
- Programming language Python (compulsory)
- Project (compulsory optional)
- Semestral Project (compulsory optional)
- Software Engineering (compulsory)
- Theory of Graphs and Games (compulsory)
- Theory of Systems for Engineers (compulsory)
- WWW Pages Development (compulsory)
5. semester
- Advanced Methods of Management System (compulsory optional)
- Applications of Neural Networks (compulsory)
- Bachelor Thesis (compulsory optional)
- Big data technologies (compulsory)
- Company Economics and Management (compulsory)
- Computer graphics 1 (compulsory optional)
- Computer Hardware and Interfaces (compulsory optional)
- Computer security (compulsory)
- Computer typography (compulsory optional)
- Data mining methods (compulsory)
- Int. Trade and Customs Operations (compulsory)
- Mathematical Methods in Logistisc (compulsory)
- Multimedia technology (compulsory)
- Programmable Controllers (compulsory optional)
- Programmable Devices (compulsory optional)
- Real Time Systems (compulsory optional)
- Safety and risk management (compulsory)
- Signals and Data Modeling (compulsory)
- Unix and Internet (compulsory optional)
- Web Applications (compulsory optional)
6. semester
- Application of Computer Models (compulsory optional)
- Bachelor Thesis (compulsory optional)
- Bachelor Thesis Seminary (compulsory)
- Cloud computing (compulsory optional)
- Computer graphics 2 (compulsory optional)
- Embedded Systems (compulsory optional)
- Introduction to Digital Image Processing (compulsory)
- Introduction to Economics and Management (compulsory optional)
- Modern Programming Techniques (compulsory optional)
- Office software applications (compulsory)
- Operational Research (compulsory)
- Risk Economy in Engineering (compulsory optional)
- Simulation of Discrete Event Systems (compulsory optional)
- Technical writing (compulsory optional)
- Theory of Systems for Engineers II. (compulsory optional)
- Wireless technologies and networks (compulsory optional)
Courses without specified study plan
- Expert Discourse (compulsory optional)
Admission procedure
More about the admission process
More details
Contact: Chaloupka Josef, doc. Ing. Ph.D.,