Quality Control

Educational goals

The study branch is aimed at meeting needs of industry at the time when high quality of products and services is a decisive factor for competitiveness of companies. Industry requirements for constant product innovation, for improvement of systems and production processes as well as pressure on decrease of the number of defective products can be only met when quality control procedures, experiment planning and objective statistical analysis of data acquired are widely applied. At the same time, however, not only is stress laid on general knowledge of quality provision, but also on practical knowledge of the given industry line. Industrial companies require highly qualified graduates who are not only knowledgeable in the area of quality control and metrology but who are also able to solve particular problems directly in production. There is still lack of such universal graduates. It is necessary to prepare specialists with good level of knowledge of technology being able to use the quality control approach to industrial application.


Study programme
Industrial Engineering (N3957)
Programme branch
Quality Control (3911T023)
Faculty of
Type of study
Postgraduate Master
Form of study
Length of study
Awarded degree

More details

Contact: Tunák Maroš, doc. Ing. Ph.D., maros.tunak@tul.cz

Refer to STAG for complete information