Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools – Mathematics

Educational goals

The aim of the master?s degree program is the preparation of the 2nd level primary school mathematics teachers. The study leads to gaining basic knowledge of the main mathematical disciplines and general education knowledge. It also leads to obtaining professional pedagogical and psychological knowledge and to the development of teaching skills and teaching strategies. The study is also based on the practical part – Graduate student completes continuous and particular running practice of teaching at faculty elementary school.


Study programme
Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools (N7503)
Programme branch
Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools – Mathematics (7503T039)
Faculty of
Type of study
Postgraduate Master
Form of study
Length of study
Awarded degree
Education area
Educational Studies

More details

Contact: Brzezina Miroslav, doc. RNDr. CSc., dr. h. c., miroslav.brzezina@tul.cz

Refer to STAG for complete information