- Applied Geography FP
- Applied Mathematics FP
- Applied Mechanics FS
- Applied Physics FP
- Applied Science in Engineering FM
- Applied Sciences in Engineering FM
- Architecture FUA
- Architecture and Urban Design FUA
- Art FUA
- Automatic Control and Applied Computer Science FM
- Automotive Engineering FS
- Basic Educations Skills FP
- Basic first aid course for selected professions FZS
- Bioengineering FP
- Biomedical Engineering FZS
- Biomedical Technology FZS
- Business Administration EF
- Business Administration and Management EF
- Business Economics and Management EF
- Centrum oceňování majetku EF
- Clothing and Textile Engineering FT
- Clothing and Textile Technology FT
- Clothing Production and Management FT
- Czech Language and Literature for Education FP
- Czech Language for Education FP
- Dějiny a společnost v moderní době FP
- Design FT
- Design – Textile, Fashion, Glass, Jewellery FT
- Education in Leisure Time FP
- Educational science FP
- Educational Science FP
- Educational Sciences FP
- Electronic Information and Control Systems FM
- Energetics FS
- English for Education FP
- English Language for Education FP
- Environmental Design FUA
- Environmental Engineering FM
- Fine Art FUA
- Fine Arts FUA
- Fyzika se zaměřením na vzdělávání FP
- General Nurse FZS
- General Nursing FZS
- Geography and Geographical Education FP
- Geography for Education FP
- German Language for Education FP
- Global Economic Policy EF
- Historical and Museological Studies FP
- History FP
- History for Education FP
- Humanities for Education FP
- Chemistry for Education FP
- Industrial Engineering FT
- Informatics and Economics EF
- Informatics and Logistics FM
- Informatics for Education FP
- Information Management EF
- Information Technology FM
- Innovation and Industrial Engineering FS
- International Economic Relations EF
- International Management EF
- Kurzy zaměřené na rozšiřování dovedností FM
- Machines and Equipment Design FS
- Managerial Informatics EF
- Materials and Technology FS
- Mathematical models and their applications FP
- Mathematics FP
- Mathematics for Education FP
- Mechanical Engineering FS
- Mechatronics FM
- Nano a mikrotechnologie FP
- Nano and microtechnology FP
- Nanotechnology FM
- Natural Science for Education FP
- Nonwoven and Nanomaterials FT
- Ochrana přírody a životního prostředí FP
- Paramedic Rescue FZS
- Physical Education for Education FP
- Physical Engineering FP
- Physics for Education FP
- Polymers and Composites Technology FS
- Practical Czech Philology FP
- Preschool Education FP
- Primary School Education FP
- Product Engineering FT
- Production of Clothing and Technical Products FT
- Profesní dovednosti pro poskytování kolegiální podpory CDV
- Professional studies for lower-secondary school teachers. FP
- Professional studies for upper-secondary school teachers FP
- Professional studies for upper-secondary school teachers. FP
- Quality Control FT
- Radiological Assistance FZS
- Recreology FP
- Rozšiřující studium anglický jazyk pro SŠ CDV
- Rozšiřující studium učitelství pro 1. st. ZŠ CDV
- Social Work FP
- Spanish for Education FP
- Spanish Language for Education FP
- Special Education FP
- Special Education for Educators FP
- Sport for Healthy Lifestyle FP
- Studium k rozšíření odborné kvalifikace zaměřené na speciálněpedagogickou, výchovnou a vzdělávací činnost ve školách a třídách zřízených pro děti, žáky a studenty se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami CDV
- Studium k rozšíření odborné kvalifikace zaměřené na výuku informatiky CDV
- Studium pedagogiky pro učitele 2. stupně základní školy a učitele střední školy CDV
- Studium pedagogiky pro učitele odborných předmětů CDV
- Studium pedagogiky pro vychovatele CDV
- Studium pro výchovné poradce CDV
- Studium v oblasti pedagogických věd CDV
- System Engineering and Informatics EF
- Teacher training for lower-secondary school. Subject – Chemistry FP
- Teacher training for kindergartens FP
- Teacher Training for Lowe and Upper Secondary Schools – Mathematics FP
- Teacher Training for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools – Czech Language FP
- Teacher Training for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools – Informatics FP
- Teacher Training for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools – Mathematics FP
- Teacher training for lower and upper-secondary school. Subject Informatics FP
- Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools FP
- Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools – Civics FP
- Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools – Civics. FP
- Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools – English FP
- Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools – English Language FP
- Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools – Fysical Education FP
- Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools – Geography FP
- Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools – German Language FP
- Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools – History FP
- Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools – Informatics FP
- Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools – Mathematics FP
- Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools – Physics FP
- Teacher Training for Lower Secondary Schools -Subject – Informatics. FP
- Teacher training for lower-secondary school. Subject – Civics. FP
- Teacher training for lower-secondary school. Subject – Fysical education FP
- Teacher training for lower-secondary school. Subject – Geography FP
- Teacher training for lower-secondary school. Subject – German language. FP
- Teacher training for lower-secondary school. Subject – History FP
- Teacher training for primary and lower-secondary schools FP
- Teacher Training for Primary School pupils (aged 6-11) FP
- Teacher Training for Upper and Lower Secondary Schools FP
- Teacher training in computer science for basic schools FP
- Teaching of physics for second-degree of primary school FP
- Teaching of physics for secondary school FP
- Technical cybernetics FM
- Technical Cybernetics FM
- Technologies and Materials FS
- Textile and Fashion Design – Design of fashion accessories and interior objects FT
- Textile and Fashion Design – Textile Design and Technology FT
- Textile and material engineering FT
- Textile Engineering FT
- Textile marketing FT
- Textile Marketing FT
- Textile marketing – textile marketing FT
- Textile technics FT
- Textile Technics and Materials Engineering FT
- Textile Technologie, Materials and Nanomaterials FT
- Textile Technologies, Materials and Nanomaterials FT
- The Basics of Social Sciences for Education FP
- Učitelství anglického jazyka pro 2. stupeň základní školy FP
- Učitelství dějepisu pro 2. stupeň základní školy FP
- Učitelství informatiky pro střední školy FP
- Výtvarné umění FUA